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Message to The Khaled Hosseini Foundation

The Khaled Hosseini Foundation - Afghan  in San Jose CA

The Khaled Hosseini Foundation

(408) 904-7175
(408) 904-7175


Non Profit Charity
Practice Areas

About The Khaled Hosseini Foundation

The Khaled Hosseini Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides humanitarian relief and shelter to families, economic opportunity for women, and healthcare and education for children in Afghanistan. The Foundation supports projects which provide shelter to refugee families and economic and education opportunities for women and children. In addition, the Foundation awards scholarships to students who have migrated to the United States under refugee status and to women pursuing higher education in Afghanistan.


Primary Office Location

pin 5655 Silver Creek Valley Rd, #203 San Jose CA 95138

pin (408) 904-7175

Social Media

Twitter page for The Khaled Hosseini Foundation - Afghan  in San Jose Facebook page for The Khaled Hosseini Foundation - Afghan  in San Jose Instagram page for The Khaled Hosseini Foundation - Afghan  in San Jose Instagram page for The Khaled Hosseini Foundation - Afghan  in San Jose Twitter page for The Khaled Hosseini Foundation - Afghan  in San Jose
Message The Khaled Hosseini Foundation
(408) 904-7175