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Message to Afghans4Tomorrow

Afghans4Tomorrow - Afghan  in Boulder CO


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About Afghans4Tomorrow

Afghans4Tomorrow, Inc. (“A4T”), is a registered non-profit, non-political, humanitarian organization dedicated to the development and capacity building of Afghanistan. A4T is also a registered nonprofit with the Afghan Ministry of Economics. Our concentration is in improving the capacity of those we serve in our education, agriculture and health programs to become self sufficient and contribute to the economy of their families and country.

Afghans4Tomorrow consists of professionals from many countries who will be held to the highest of moral and professional standards. We will use our education, knowledge and expertise to build a better Afghanistan and build a better tomorrow for Afghans.


Primary Office Location

pin 4699 Apple Way Boulder CO 80301

Social Media

Twitter page for Afghans4Tomorrow - Afghan  in Boulder Twitter page for Afghans4Tomorrow - Afghan  in Boulder Facebook page for Afghans4Tomorrow - Afghan  in Boulder
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