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Message to Afghanistan Relief Organization

Afghanistan Relief Organization - Afghan  in Cypress CA

Afghanistan Relief Organization

(562) 301-1940
(562) 301-1940

About Afghanistan Relief Organization

Afghanistan Relief Organization (ARO) is a non-political, non-religious, nonprofit 501(c)(3) humanitarian organization, registered in the United States and in Afghanistan (a requirement of all non governmental organizations working in Afghanistan). We bring people together in a common goal to aid our fellow man. Help Build Hope in Afghanistan!

The Afghanistan Relief Organization (ARO) has worked on relief efforts in Afghanistan since 1998. After late 2001, hundreds of non governmental organizations (NGOs) began arriving in Afghanistan to participate in reconstruction. In 2005, the new Afghan government began a careful review and re-registration process to determine which organizations were contributing programs beneficial to recovery efforts.


Primary Office Location

pin PO Box 866 Cypress CA 90630

pin (562) 301-1940

Social Media

Facebook page for Afghanistan Relief Organization - Afghan  in Cypress
Message Afghanistan Relief Organization
(562) 301-1940